Leather Study Bible


A leather study Bible is an invaluable tool for anyone who is serious about studying the Bible, increasing knowledge and understanding of Biblical themes and principles, and growing in their personal spiritual walk with God.  Study Bibles differ from other Bibles in that they generally include a wide range of supplemental information, in addition to the full Biblical texts.  A leather study Bible will often include notes and commentary on the texts, as well as study aids for improving comprehension and exploring life-applications of scriptures.  Leather study Bibles also usually include concordances for easy passage lookup, Bible dictionaries of important names and terms, maps of Biblical locations and events, and other tools to enhance your study of the most important Book ever written.

Why Study the Bible?

Psalms 119 is one of the most eloquent treatises on the value of Bible study ever written.  Psalms 119:11 says, ” Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Further in the passage, in verse 105, the author states, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,”  and in verse 130, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”  The author clearly understands the importance of living in the Word.  When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, he used scripture to rebuff Satan three times.  Studying the Bible is your first line of defense against the slings and arrows of the Deceiver and is the key to spiritual growth.

2 Timothy 2:15 extols the reader to, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  The deeper you delve into the Bible, the clearer it becomes and the easier it becomes to apply the lessons to your life.  The additional materials provided in study bibles help bring the Bible to life.  A leather study bible can help shed light on difficult passages and will greatly enhance your bible study.

How to Study the Bible

There are many approaches to studying the Bible.  Many study Bibles come with plans for fully reading through the Bible in one or two years.  Other leather study Bibles will have tips for getting the most out of the time you spend reading your Bible.

The most important thing is consistency.  Try to spend at least a little bit of time every day reading your leather study Bible.  Pick a time of the day when you will have adequate time and are not likely to be disrupted.

Rather than just sitting down with your leather study Bible and reading straight through, start each study session in prayer.  Ask the Lord to open your eyes and to give you understanding.

Focus on quality, not quantity.  Instead of reading a book straight through in one setting, try reading shorter passages.  Take time to reflect  on and digest what you have read.  Pray for guidance if you find yourself stuck on a difficult scripture.  Remember, it isn’t a race to the finish, but a walk with Lord.

Why a Leather Study Bible?

While study bibles do come in various bindings, there is one important reason for considering investing in a leather study bible: durability.  Study Bibles are not (should not) be one-time reads; this is a Book that you will be spending a lot of time with and that will experience a lot more wear and tear than an average book.  A good Leather Study Bible will serve you in your spiritual growth, day in and day out, for years and years to come.

LeatherBiblesPlus.com offers high quality genuine Leather Study Bibles that can be handed down for several generations.


Merry Christmas to you and your family! May God bless and keep you!
