Category Archives: Divine Direction

Tired of Suffering?

A man came to his pastor and said, “Pastor, would you please pray that God will give me patience?” Two weeks later, he returned and said, “Good grief, Pastor! Terrible things are happening to me. My life’s coming unglued.” “Well,”

Tired of problems?12 Bible Verses To build Your faith!

Satan is always trying to put his thoughts in our minds, but we can identify them and reject them with the Word of God. Below are 12 types of thoughts Satan tries to inflict on us and the Bible verses

Waiting on God can be hard..But trust Him anyway!

Have you ever cried out to God for answers, forgiveness or justice, and instead of God’s immediate response you are given words of comfort and reassurance of God’s presence and involvement in your life? Oftentimes when you are hurting, perplexed

Maybe God wants You to Trust Him more and worry less!

As we look into Bible history, we will see that The Bible is full of people of faith that received the promise of God without seeing that promise right then — people who had to contend with  The devil and

God is able and willing to rescue YOU, if you seek His Help!

Praise the Lord. Praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. (Psalm 68:19) Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord

Your problems could be “tests of YOUR faith”!

For many the word “test” brings anxiety. We have so many tests in our lives:  math, spelling, driver’s license, swimming, blood, medical … and each comes with a grade or pass/fail result. Either way, we want to pass the tests.

Did YOU know what you are going through is….Nothing New?

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Remember that suffering is not new. In what is probably the oldest book in the Bible, the book of Job, we read, “For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). Now there’s a

Are You Tired of Being Tired of life?

In a moment we will share with you some questions you can use to coach yourself to help you become less tired of life! But first…ask yourself the following questions; Each day do you think ‘what’s the point’? So you
