Tag Archives: CLU

If you stick with God, Blessings are Hidden for you at Your Crossroads!

Are you finding it difficult to get through life? Is absolutely nothing working for you? It could be that God is leading you through closed doors. Although no one likes closed doors, closed doors play a very important part of the story that God

Still Need Help?God is waiting For You to Seek Him!

We all live through fears at one time or another in our life and turning to God as our main foundation in life is one way to obtain His help to defeat fears and problems in our lives. Talking to God on a regular basis gives you

Keep seeking God, expect Him to lead you New Ways!

Walking with God is often a step-by-step process. The Bible is a great resource that shows us how to walk with God.  In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see men walking with God, not only Enoch

God has victory planned For your life!

King David was up against a familiar foe. Years before as a young shepherd boy, he had faced down Goliath, the top Philistine warrior, by killing him with a well-placed stone (1 Sam. 17). Now David was king of Israel, and

God Still Cares For YOU No matter What!

Have you ever had someone give up on you? Ouch! It hurts with a hurt that is hard to shake. Unfortunately, most of us have experienced our share of failures. Maybe we were blamed falsely for problems we didn’t create,

Having Trouble? Tired? Need Something Good? Come Pray With God A While!

Are you having trouble praying? Or praying Seriously for more than 10 minutes? Can You barely keep focused on prayer for 10 minutes or more? Want to know How You can  “pray without ceasing and be effective?” Answer: expand Your

If You’re Tired of Waiting..Do This!

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself

God wants to Fix what happened to create Your “New”!

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post will focus on allowing God to heal your past, so that your “New future can be created”!  Before you go forward,
