Tag Archives: pray

Distractions “lure you away from God” at the crossroads!

Have you ever set out to accomplish a task only to have a situation come up that distracts you? There are times when I get distracted easily and fail to complete projects on time or even at all. For example,

Spend Time With God, Get Revived!

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~ Philippians 4:8 NLT

**When Life’s Circumstances Weigh You Down, Transfer Your Load to God**

Life can sometimes feel like an unending battle, can’t it? There are cricumstances in life that push your buttons that can oftentimes make you feel disgusted, worried, depressed, angry, doubtful in your faith, and just over the top tired of

God has beauty for ashes because of life’s unfairness, unchanging circumstances, and unanswered Questions!

In the journey of life, there are moments when circumstances seem unfair, unchanging, and overwhelming. We oftentimes can find ourselves buried under the weight of problems and burdened with unanswered questions. It is during these times that we need to

Weary in well doing? Trust God to renew your strength!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, welcome to this empowering blog post about trusting God for help, guidance, and blessings when you become weary in well doing! Life can be challenging, and it’s not uncommon to feel tired and discouraged

If you stick with God, Blessings are Hidden for you at Your Crossroads!

Are you finding it difficult to get through life? Is absolutely nothing working for you? It could be that God is leading you through closed doors. Although no one likes closed doors, closed doors play a very important part of the story that God

YOU can make it with God’s help!

My husband has faint scars on his arms and hands. It was not unusual to get the occasional burn at his former place of employment. He once worked at a die-cast factory, forcing molten metal into molds to form automotive

Does it seem like God forgot what He promised? Reasons you should keep waiting! 

Are you stuck in a whirlwind of problems that seem like they have dragged on for what feels like many days, many weeks, many months, many years or even decades? If it does, You’re not alone; many people are wrestling
