NKJV Daily Bible

NKJV Daily Bible

The New King James Daily Bible, or the NKJV Daily Bible, is a variant of the standard King James Bible. The bottom line is that this Bible was produced in more modern English. This is a Bible that was published by the Gideon’s; the same group leaves Bibles in hospitals, and in hotel drawers around the world.  The mission of the translation of this NKJV Daily Bible was to keep the poetry and the style of the original King James Version Bible, but to also update the text for the more modern reader.

One of the most common complaints that people have when they’re reading the standard KJ version of the Bible, is that they don’t understand what they’re reading. The message of the Bible does no one any good, if a person can’t comprehend what it is that they are reading! Therefore, the group decided to get together sometime in the late 70’s, to translate the older version into the verbiage and grammar of modern times. They chose to simply update this version of the Bible, because many people believe that the King James Version of the holy Bible is the only standard that is applicable, and this is the authority of all the Bibles. There is even a movement that supports a King James Version of the Bible as the authority.

Therefore, in creating a Bible that appeals to the modern reader, and yet honors the wishes of the King James supporters, needs were met in this translation. The NKJV Daily Bible also has a dictionary for the text. The publishers of this holy Bible really want to make sure that everyone can understand this version of the Bible. After all, Bibles are books for everyone and therefore, the message in the verbiage should be all-inclusive. Many people who are religious might think that the standard version of the King James Bible is enough, because it makes them feel religious and important.

But again, the message of the Bible is lost, if many people don’t understand it.  When it comes to various versions of the Bible such as the NKJV Daily Bible, what version a person should choose depends on what their spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs are. For example, some people like to take a very intellectual approach.

Therefore, there are versions of the Bible that are made just for the holy Bible scholar. On the other hand, there are people who might need for the message to speak to their hearts in very modern language. Therefore, they are a few versions of the Bible that are translated in very common English. These would appeal to people, or to young people. On the other hand, some people love the poetry and the majesty of certain versions of the Bible, such as the King James Version. Therefore, a version such as the NKJV Daily Bible version would appeal to this set. The message of the Bible is about restoration, love, and acceptance. Therefore, in the attempt to reach as many hearts, minds, and spirits as possible, the publishers have decided to create a version that was readily accepted as possible.

