Are you being asked to Keep Waiting on God?

There are times in our life when things will happen and we wonder where is God ? You may wonder, Does he not know or understand what is happening to us? With so many people out of work, broke with no money, sick with no cures, tired with no reprieves and yet another family whose only child was about to be taken away from them because they had no place to stay. People are wondering where is God? All of these families found it very difficult to trust God in their hour of greatest darkness. Because all of these families prayed and trusted God and even though they prayed their circumstances were less than what they had hoped for or wanted them to be. What these people failed to realize is that just because you pray to God, there is no assurance or guarantee that God will do what is asked or respond in the way that is wanted. God promises to hear prayer not grant ever prayer request!
So because some people don’t get what they want when they pray, Many people either don’t pray anymore, feel that prayer doesn’t work, wonder why even bother to pray or ask God, why did He allow what happened to them to happen even though they prayed? If you are in any of these situations or have ever been in any of these situations or know of someone in either of these situations, we’d like to encourage you no matter what, keep on trusting in God and keep on praying. No one knows with absolute certainty why God does or does not do some things or why He allows or does not allow some things to happen. No one knows for certain why God grants some prayers and does not grant other prayer requests. Such knowledge is only acquired if God chooses to reveal His reasons why. We do however, know that God is too wise to be mistaken, and too kind to be cruel. Although some things happen that are bad, and you can’t trace God’s hand in these events, you just have to trust God’s heart.
When bad things happen to good people as they often do, oftentimes you are expected to have blind faith. Blind faith suggests that you trust God without knowing why and you still believe in and follow God although you either don’t understand or agree with what has happened or what is happening. If circumstances place you in the crucibles of having to exercise “blind faith” in God, understand that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His plans are different from our plans, and because of this, what He makes happen, what He allows to happens, or what happens may be totally out in left field from what we wanted, what we hoped for or what we asked God for. Even still, the crucible of blind faith prepares you to walk by faith and not by sight. The momentarily afflictions that you experience when you are placed in the crucible of walking by faith and not by sight, teaches you to trust in God no matter what and to lean not on your own understanding. The crucible of blind faith, strips you of strength, pride, worldly possessions, valued associations or relationships, and forces you to come face to face with God.
It is in this dark place of not knowing where God is and what is going on that you begin to get to know who God really is. Heartache, pain, lack, brokenness, suffering, disgust and uncertainty are prerequisites that prepare you to meet and get to know who God really is. It is often when you are forced to walk by faith and not by sight that you begin to learn that God is your provider, your comforter, your healer, and He guides you the way that you should go. It is in this dark place that you begin to realize that God is 1 of the only ones that you can really count on to help you and care for you!
God is not lost, missing or unresponsive when you are going through. Through your trials, your low places, your barren places, and your tight places, He is allowing what is necessary to accomplish His greater plans and purposes for your life. Your light afflictions are but for a season, they are working to produce in you what could not have otherwise been produced lest you go through your current difficulties, and distasteful circumstances. When God accomplishes what He needs to accomplish in and through what you’re going through, He will then ever so gently lead you from low, barren, and tight places to the extraordinary that He holds on the other side of your trials of difficulty. In some cases you determine how long you stay stuck walking in blind faith! You can get there a lot sooner if you cooperate with God and His plans and purposes for your life and do what He instructs you to do, and follow Him where He leads you!
Want to cooperate with God as He works in and through your trials? If so, join us in this simple prayer;
Dear God,
Thank you for opening my eyes to what I may be going through during this season of my life. Help me have “Blind faith” in you even if I don’t know or understand what you are doing in my life and even if I don’t agree with what you are doing in my life. Help me learn the lessons that the crucible of faith is here to teach me so that I can get out of my pits of despair and walk forward with you to the extraordinary that you have just for me! Give me the courage to stand in my adversity and empower me with perseverance so that I do not faint, give up or quit because of the horrors of dealing with problems that are off the chain. In Jesus’s precious name I ask and pray – Amen!