Tag Archives: Without

Maybe God wants You to Trust Him more and worry less!

As we look into Bible history, we will see that The Bible is full of people of faith that received the promise of God without seeing that promise right then — people who had to contend with  The devil and

Don’t Lose Hope in God As YOU wait on Him!

Don’t Lose Hope in God because God has not Lost Hope in You! Is there anyone who has never experienced disappointment, misfortune, setback, calamity, breakup of relationship, serious illness, or death of a friend or family member that dashed his

Keep trying, cause☺You Could Be Closer Than You Think☺

Followers of Jesus have the ability to suffer long times without giving up. We are called to strengthen the inner core of our souls so that we can withstand difficulties.Are you exhausted from the battle? Keep marching, my friend! You may

No Matter how things go, God is Present!

By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

God Does answer Prayer, but you may have to wait!

In case you haven’t noticed as you get older, life gets rougher and tougher. Problems tend to crop up from out of no where and they often become way too much too fast. The devil seems to get smarter with

Sometimes the Best Prayers are the Unanswered Ones!

In an instant-gratification-addicted world, where we need and want answers, meals, information and almost everything instantly, we sometimes treat our prayer life the same way. If we don’t get an answer or see a situation change in about a week,

Having Trouble? Tired? Need Something Good? Come Pray With God A While!

Are you having trouble praying? Or praying Seriously for more than 10 minutes? Can You barely keep focused on prayer for 10 minutes or more? Want to know How You can  “pray without ceasing and be effective?” Answer: expand Your

Going through hard time? The Bible Can help you! Here’s how!

Why is Bible reading important? Most Christians know they should read their Bibles. But often, our Bible reading can feel dry and insignificant. Why is it so important for us to read this book? What’s the urgency of it? Ruth and Naomi’s story
