God will give YOU Enough Time to Do His Will!

In a 21st century world where we’re overworked, over stressed, and over-scheduled, this may be one of the most significant and freeing sentences you’ll ever read: You have just enough time to do God’s will. That means if you don’t feel you have enough time in your day, one of two things is true. Either:

  1. You’re doing things God doesn’t intend for you to do.
  2. You’re doing the things God intended the wrong way.

God wouldn’t give you a list of things to do and then not give you the time to do them. Either you’re trying to do too much or you’re wasting time. There’s really no other option.

Either way, you need to learn to enjoy the moment and not try to do too much. The Bible says, “All of us should … enjoy what we have worked for. It is God’s gift” (Ecclesiastes 3:13 GNT).

Too many of us fall victim to a terrible trap. I call it “when and then” thinking. We believe “when” we achieve a particular goal, we’ll be happy. Maybe that goal is graduation, marriage, or a financial goal. But you won’t be happy then. You’ll enjoy reaching that goal for three seconds, and then you’ll start asking yourself, “What’s next?” The cycle simply repeats.

Are you worn out, burnt out, or stressed out?  If you are, it doesn’t have to be that way, God wants more for you. If you’re carrying an overwhelming load, it isn’t from Jesus.  Jesus says in Matthew 11, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest …. the load I give you to carry is light” (Matthew 11:28, 30). If you are overloaded, tired, or overly stressed are you taking Jesus up on His offer to go to him so that you can get rest?
Think about it;

  • What moments from your past do you regret that your busyness kept you from enjoying?
  • What goals have you achieved in the past that you thought would be satisfying yet they weren’t?
  • How can you change your priorities and your schedule so that you have enough time to do what God wants you to do?
  • Pray and say, God please help me to use the time you’ve given me to do your will and help me learn to manage my time so that I do not try to do to much. I invite Jesus to refresh me and renew me and give me rest so that my burdens will be light and I will be renewed and energized!                               – Pastor Rick
