Your Faith in God can help Solve Problems!

In these two passages of Scriptures, we learn what happened when Peter believed God in the book of Matthew. Also known, undoubtedly, is how spiritual strength can increase with prayer partners and being in the company of believers. Personal encounters and biblical events in the old and new testaments render excellent examples of God allowing His people some miraculous opportunities to meet pressing needs. There is no limit to our awesome God’s power!

What happened when Peter believed God? According to Matthew 17 the temple tax collectors questioned Peter about Jesus paying the required fee. Christ the Lord had answers in verses 25, 26 and 27 for Peter and for us today. Animals and people can be used to teach us great lessons about God’s power. How did Peter and His Master pay their taxes? Can God cause debt cancellation? God may have already had money in place for Jesus, for Peter and others who put His business first! The power of God can put money in place(s) for any of us as needed for earthly demands. A list may include the following problems:

• financial problems

• family situations

• job insecurities

• relationships with family, friends and business associates

• health challenges, death

• career opportunities

• spiritual warfare

Paul made God’s power seem real by stating that all of our needs can be met by Him. What is the “tribute money” referred to in Matthew 17? Half of a shekel or about thirty cents “for the offering of the Lord,” or the service of the temple (Exodus 30; 2 Chronicles 24 and Nehemiah 10). What lessons can be learned with Jesus and Peter paying taxes? Maybe we are not to become needlessly upset especially about small problems. Jesus erased all doubt about all His financial responsibility when He asked Peter to go to the lake, throw out a fishing line and hook and take the first fish caught. With its mouth opened, a shekel coin was found. Peter was asked by Jesus to pay the taxes for both of them! God will and can make a way out of no way that we can see. In our darkest hours, He can create a bright light before us to help us to make the best choices. Glorify His name when this happens because we can do nothing in our own strength! God has been our help in ages past and our hope for tomorrow; let us never forget this fact as we continue to study His word and wait patiently for His help.

In Acts 3:1-16 what happened when Peter and John believed God for the plight of the lame man? This man was carried to the temple gate call Beautiful each day to beg for money as others passed to enter the temple for prayer time. Does God want any of us to live like that? We may never become wealthy, but with faith-filled prayers, God will open doors so that we will not become beggars! So when this lame man saw Peter and John, he began to beg them too. They only stared at him as he was expecting a donation, but Peter denied the demand for money and asked him to believe in Jesus Christ and to rise up and walk! As Peter grasped the man’s right hand and raised him up, physical strength became natural. Can we imagine the rejoicing that occurred? Shouting, walking and praising God made that worth remembering as he entered the temple with other believers! Why did he stop leaping in verse 9? Was his spirit decreased by the reactions of others? We, too, as believers cannot let our faith and praise become less real because of other people. Share reasons for our love of God when we are blessed by Him!

Did Peter and John claim the credit? Peter addressed the crowd with the “breaking news” when the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and other ancient ancestors had glorified His servant Jesus whose name alone made the lame man strong. Faith in Jesus also makes us stronger as we continue to praise Him in addition to our medical care. We must do our best to grow stronger in many ways while we continue to thank and praise God!

-Gladys R. McElmor

►Snippet◄ I'm Calling You To A Crucified Life ❃Bishop T D Jakes❃

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