Desperate? A Prayer For You!

If you feel like you are slipping down a cliff of despair, here is a prayer for you. When Jonah, David and other men and women of the Bible experienced trauma, pain, and grave danger they cried out to God and found real help and security.If you find yourself in a desperate place, say the below prayer, let Go and Let God , and expect God to work and answer as only He can!


I feel as though I am losing my grip and can barely hang on a moment longer. In desperation I reach my hand to you, God. Grab me! Pull me out of this mess! Hear my earnest prayer! I give my life to you today, every bit of it. I’m yours. Help me. Be my God. No longer will I build my life on shifting sand. You are my rock, and with your help I will establish my life on your firm foundation. Deliver me from this pit, and I will praise you. I will tell of your great wonders. I will make known your wonderful ways, steadfast love, and unending power. Thank you! I know you hear me and that you save the humble and contrite of heart. Forgive me for my decisions, actions, and attitudes that got me to this place. I receive your forgiveness and power to change. And as I am forgiven, I forgive each person that has contributed to my temporary defeat, for my victory is at hand. You are here.


I cried out to the Lord in my great trouble,

    and he answered me.

I called to you from the land of the dead,

    and Lord, you heard me!

I sank beneath the waves,

  and the waters closed over me.

Seaweed wrapped itself around my head.

I sank down to the very roots of the mountains.

 I was imprisoned in the earth,

 whose gates lock shut forever.

 But you, O Lord my God,

 snatched me from the jaws of death!

As my life was slipping away,

I remembered the Lord.

And my earnest prayer went out to you

in your holy Temple.

(Jonah 2:2,5-7)

-Pastor Mark and Jill
