God’s New start for you poses the Question, What’s Next for You?

It’s time for a New start because the new year is here! Consider where have you been, where are you now, and where are you going. Where is Jesus in each of these? How has redemption changed your life and how can it be understood in light of your plans for the next stage of your life?
Certainly God’s desire is to be the center of our lives. We were created to love, glorify and praise Him all the days of our lives. This we are to do out of our own free will beginning with our response to salvation through Jesus Christ.
However, there is much more that He wants to do in our lives. But we have to move God from the marginal consultant we call on in times of need, to the center of our lives. He wants us to experience the love that has given us all things with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:32). God has given us an advantage over this world and all the things in it that we cannot control.
When we do not make a commitment to God our lives will seem to exist somewhere in between the truths we know about Him and the pressures of the world. God has been good to us, for;
He has given us an identity and an experience.
He has given us His very own wisdom.
He has given us His very presence.
He has given us an open door to conversation with Him.
Because God has been so good to us, we should all strive to;
1. Make a commitment to be a disciple of Christ in God..
a. Who are you?
i. Exodus 20:2-3 says You are redeemed!
2. Make a commitment to pursue the wisdom of God
a. Who is God?
i. Jeremiah 29:11 You have been given a future and a hope/an expected end.
ii. Proverbs 29:18 If you have no vision you will perish.
iii. Romans 12:2 You are able to know and prove God’s will for you.
iv. Ps 119:105 Make God’s word a lamp unto your walk.
v. James 1:5 Ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you liberally.
vi. Proverbs 12:15; 15:22 Seek the wisdom of others.
vii. Proverbs 3:5-6 Acknowledge God and He will direct your paths.
3. Make a commitment to trust in the Holy Spirit
a. Who or what leads your life?
i. John 16:13 He will guide you in truth.
ii. John 6:45 He will teach you.
iii. 1 Cor 2:10-13 He will reveal biblical truth to you.
iv. Romans 8:26 He will pray for you.
v. Eph 3:16 He will strengthen you.
4. Make a commitment to prayer: Speak with God
a. Philippians 4:4-7 His peace comes through His direction.
5. What makes us unsure?
a. Sin – rebellion – when we are not in alignment and we take our hands off the wheel we will turn off the road.
b. Your lack of knowledge –not studying.
c. When you do not give time to God in prayer
(Please print out this article and work through the questions alone with God. What is God showing you through these scriptures and questions that will help you with your recovery this year as you seek God for a new start)!
Copyright 2014 David Gibson, used by permission.
Author D. Gibson