Tag Archives: Vision

Maybe What is Occuring is because you Need Selah!

  Kent complained about having too much to do and being tired of rushing around all the time. He thought that his hurried, overcrowded life was inevitable for him as a pastor who had a family and lived in Orange

Keep seeking God, expect Him to lead you New Ways!

Walking with God is often a step-by-step process. The Bible is a great resource that shows us how to walk with God.  In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see men walking with God, not only Enoch

Trust God’s Flow for Your Needs!

I’d like to encourage you to trust in the faithfulness of God in and through all of your problems. God is working in and through all of your circumstances to bring about His best good for you and for His

Going through hard time? The Bible Can help you! Here’s how!

Why is Bible reading important? Most Christians know they should read their Bibles. But often, our Bible reading can feel dry and insignificant. Why is it so important for us to read this book? What’s the urgency of it? Ruth and Naomi’s story

Are you in God’s Waiting Room? You’re Not Alone!

“After waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.” (Hebrews 6:15 NIV) When you’re waiting on God, remember that you’re in good company. Millions of saints before you have sat in God’s waiting room. You’re not alone. In fact if you’re

Does this Christmas find YOU Uncertain?

In times of uncertainty people want visionary leaders. But what if God’s good plan For You is a period of sustained uncertainty? What if God wants you to trust Him moment by moment and day by day instead of having

Let God help you have a Happy New Year!

Depending on the climate, a year is composed of four seasons, often three, sometimes even less. The day that is chosen to make the year ‘new’ is arbitrary and cultural. However, that is not meant to say, necessarily, that is

When YOU Pray, Do You Really Think God Will Answer?

Do you expect God to answer prayer? Or do you, like me, struggle to maintain a prayerfully expectant heart? For years, maybe even decades, Simeon had been waiting for God to fulfill a promise. Was he weary of waiting? I
