Can God count on you to be Healthy this Year?
Can you believe it? We’re already in the beginning of the new Year 2015! With the entrance of this new year that God has given us of 2015 it’s a time to take a look at the resolutions you made at the beginning of the year to see whether or not you are on track to reach the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Many people made resolutions that revolve around rethinking their health. If you haven’t thought about becoming healthy in 2015, It’s a really good idea to think about your health and making better choices to take care of your health.
It does however, take more than thinking about our health to make good health a reality though. Oftentimes making a commitment to have a healthier year is very ambitious but we have found that most people begin with the best of intentions but have very little follow through when it comes to making significant changes in their life to create outstanding health. One of the reasons why so many people are not successful with making their resolution changes is very simply because they start off at the beginning of the year trying to take on too much and then by the end of the year find that they have not managed to quit smoking or lose weight or whatever it is that they promised to do at the beginning of the year.
But did you know that God wants you to have incredibly good health? He wants you to be radiant with life, full of energy and geared up to follow Him as He prepares to amaze you with an extraordinarily great 2015! So we invite you to think more about becoming healthy in 2015! Take it slow when you begin thinking about making resolutions towards improving or sustaining your health. If you start out going hard core exercising and then cutting everything out of your diet on Jan. 1, you are going to be in a lot of pain and you will feel starved on Jan.2, especially if you haven’t worked out your muscles in quite some time and especially if you begin to eliminate comfort foods that you were used to eating. You need to build to a certain level before advancing. Any health care person will tell you that you will see the best results by taking it slow instead of trying to achieve all of your goals at the same time and in too short of a period of time. It is impossible and your body will fight back, causing a lot of pain and you will feel deprived.
Take some time to make a plan and stick to it. Write everything down and take a notebook to the gym or wherever you decide to work out and stick to the plan. Use an online journal to record your daily food choices to determine if you are making the very best possible health food choices for you! There may be days you don’t want to work out or exercise, either because you are tired or because you don’t feel like it, but if you have a notebook it makes it easier to track the goals you have planned for yourself and it makes it easier to determine how consistent you are in reaching your goals. To help you reach your health goals, also decide daily what you will eat, be sure to also include drinking lots of good clean fresh water to amply replenish your fluid levels! As you invite God into your circumstances to help you have a better year each day or night, He will begin to give you ideas, tips and suggestions on how best to achieve the radiant health that He wants you to have! When you are as healthy as God wants you to be then you will have the energy, the desire and the passion to go after and accomplish all that God has for you including living your life on purpose and achieving extraordinary results!
Always remember that it is only human to miss a workout or an exercise here and there and it is also only human to sneak and have a piece of cheese cake or to eat that ice-cream cone, but that does not mean that you can simply quit on the program you have designed for yourself to get healthy; it just means that you need to deal with those bumps in the road as they come along and do your best and as quickly as possible get back on track to accomplishing your health goals. It is in this way that you will be able to either become healthy or stay healthy and enjoy the abundant life that God has for you! God wants and needs you to be healthy, can He count on you to be healthy this year?
Want 2 tips to make becoming healthy easy?
1. SUPPORT – One of the biggest things that can help you to achieve your goals is to have a buddy. Support and encouragement are keys to making life changes so if you want to make it work be sure to pick a buddy who will give you an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and a good swift kick when you need it.
2. Use the below online journal to record your exercise and daily food choices to become healthy! Become accountable before God and reach your health goals faster!