Look for Hope God gives if things are Bad!

If you need some hope, look for the good in others, in yourself, and in God. At various times throughout life, there are setbacks and tragedies. These bad things are part of being human. The hope is what keeps us going and helps us to find happiness and joy in the suffering.
Instead of running from pain and suffering, we should embrace it. Why? It allows the soul to mourn and finally to heal properly. The whole process is somewhat complicated and different for everyone. However, there are 4 things that can help.
Prayer can bring hope to those filled with despair. The very act of prayer helps you to go outside of yourself and focus on the positive. If you are in deep despair, you can at least pray for hope and it will come. Prayer has a keen way of focusing the mind and helping us to stop focusing on self. Prayer helps us to focus on God and what He can do in and through circumstances! This act, alone will help you break out of the ego or pain like state.
Doing Things
If you want more hope, it is important to keep doing things. Even the little things like keeping your car clean or going on a bike ride will infuse a lighter spirit. That’s why it is good to do little things for others that need hope. Having the little things done, in life, makes everything a little easier to do. Turn on and play Christian music to give you new hope! David in the Psalms did this and evil depressing Spirits left Him- And whenever the tormenting spirit that God allowed tortured Saul, David would play the harp. Then Saul would feel better, and the tormenting spirit would then go away -1 Samuel 16:23. Want a chance to escape whatever is tormenting you, go here; MeetwithGodinAsong
Quotes of Hope
It’s good to have information about how to be hopeful. Quotes are often a good source of inspiration. For example, humor enlightens the mind, lifts the spirit, and comes at will. It’s the sure fire way to live life. And, hope is something you get from God and yourself. It can’t be handed to you.
Positive Stories
It is also a good idea to tell yourself hopeful stories, read hopeful stories and listen to hopeful stories.
Did you ever work for something important and get it? Do you feel a certain joy when helping others or when doing good? Telling yourself some positive things can also help you find hope.
Where there is light there is also truth and with truth comes hope because truth tells a wonderful story. So if you down and need God’s hope to encourage you to be able to go on, seek God for the hope in your life that He is willing to give you and allow Him the time and Space He will need to show up and refresh you with His Hope!