Tag Archives: CLU

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

Want to be inspired by God’s love?

Have you felt down or sad lately? Do you want to be inspired by the love of God and begin to feel His Healing Power? Then there is one thing you should do: grab a Bible and read different verses. Here

God may Bless America if you pray!

Have you ever heard the phrase “God Bless America”? No truer words have ever been said, because we all really do need God to bless America. The phrase “God Bless America” is often said in general and almost always relating

Our God is stronger!

Some kids love to brag about their dads. If you eavesdrop on neighborhood conversations, you’ll hear children saying, “My dad is bigger than your dad!” or “My dad is smarter than your dad!” But the best brag of all is,

God will provide for your needs!

Outside my office window, the squirrels are in a race against winter to bury their acorns in a safe, accessible place. Their commotion amuses me. An entire herd of deer can go through our back yard and not make a

Does this Good Friday find you still waiting on God?

There are times in life we all have to wait on God for something.  You may know the drill, you pray to God for solutions to problems that seem to remain unresolved and more than likely you may find out

Good Friday is coming!Are your ready?

Good Friday is the Friday just before Easter Sunday. It is a day that is sacred for people all over the world.  But why is Good Friday so important you may wonder? This is a question that must have surely

Want to improve your life?Write Scriptures!

Often times when studying the Word of God, we quickly read over the verses. We get a general understanding of the verses and may spend a few moments thinking about them. But shouldn’t studying the Word of God be more
