Let God’s “miracles” change your Christmas!

Are you feeling overwhelmed this Christmas? Life can be tough, and sometimes it seems like there are no solutions or help in sight. In times like these, it’s essential to remember to trust God for signs and wonders in your life.
When you trust in God, you can rely on Him for guidance and blessings beyond what you could ever imagine. Trusting Him is much more than just believing in Him; it’s about living confidently in His promises and being patient in the midst of adversity.

So how can you cultivate trust in God this season? Firstly, consistent prayer is crucial. Ensure that you are regularly spending time in communion with Him daily. Through prayer, you can communicate with God and express your fears, worries, and needs. You don’t have to call everyone you know or anyone that will listen to talk about what you been going through, instead, choose to talk to God. After all God is oftentimes the only one who can do something about what you been going through! Talk to God a lot in prayer, and expect God to listen and guide you accordingly. Oftentimes, God’s miracles are parked “waiting to be scheduled to be released” and they are never scheduled to be released because folks got tired of praying, tired of giving, tired of looking, tired of doing, and tired of going to church to talk to God! If you’ve been praying, giving, going to church, helping others, or looking for God’s help, you owe it to yourself to stay in the game and get a payoff for your efforts and keep pressing your way into God’s presence with a lot of prayers so you can position yourself for God’s miracles to be scheduled to be released in your life. YOU may get lucky and get your miracles scheduled to be released today, tomorrow, next week or sometimes soon! YOU never know what God will do until you do what you can do!

Alongside prayer, cultivating patience is an essential ingredient for trust in God. Sometimes your prayers are not answered immediately, and it’s easy to lose hope. But continue to trust in God’s Miracles and mercies and wait for His timing. God knows exactly when, how and in what way to schedule and release your miracles!
Expectancy is also vital in cultivating trust in God. If you ain’t expecting nothing, God ain’t gonna do nothing! God shows up where He is expected! YOU may want to ramp up your expectancy so that God can ramp up His showing up!

God will work if you will pray! God will do something if you are expecting something! Remember, God has already promised never to leave or forsake you. Believe that He is working behind the scenes to bring forth your miracle. Keep your hopes high and await His blessings.
At times, trusting God can be challenging, we get that, especially when obstacles seem to overwhelm us. However, waiting times are never in vain, God always comes through! God showed up for my friend when she lost her job and wasn’t sure how she was going to pay her bills. She prayed consistently, and within a year, she landed an even better job with incredible benefits.
God is faithful and will always come through as we trust in Him. This season, take time to reflect on His promise to give grace, strength, and blessings when we put our hope in Him.

In conclusion, this Christmas, we pray that you place your trust in God, talk to God a lot, raise your expectancy and remember God’s promises. Here’s to wishing you a great Christmas filled with God’s miracles! Let’s pray together and wrap this thing up so we can set some things in motion;
“Dear Lord, we come before you with hearts open and waiting for your miracles this Christmas. We thank you in advance for the miracles that you are going to perform in our lives. We ask for patience, guidance and strength as we wait for you. We pray that you bless us and keep us as we place our trust in You. We believe that you are a good, loving and faithful God. We trust and wait in anticipation for your miracles. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”