Tag Archives: joy

The Indescribable Love and Faithfulness of God

Do you doubt God’s love for you? Are you convinced of His love and faithfulness towards a fallen humanity? Consider these facts from God’s Word: In the Garden of Eden, God showed us His idea of the true “Good Life”.

Are you tired as Good Friday approaches?Think Yourself happy!

First of all, Happiness starts with you. You must first be happy with your self before you can be happy in your life. One notion that a lot of people have, is they think that money will solve all their

Joy in Abundance!

Deep inner joy is an emotionally exciting feeling. If someone has never experienced it, then it is almost impossible to describe what it feels like. Sometimes it is hard to find words for some things. It seems maybe they are

God has unique ways of working!

In times of great economic fluctuations and uncertainty, it is our nature to contract,  pull in, look for cover, and try to ride out the storm. We often wait and try not to make changes, holding on tight to our present

Claim YOUR Spiritual healing!

Prayer work is one of the most compelling forms of communication with the sources of all that exists. One part of prayer is the sharing of your deepest longings, desires and concerns with God while the other is the surrendering

Motivational quotes to inspire you!

  “If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice,

A story about Abundance!

   Arrgh, I yelled in complete frustration. For the third time that week I was standing in my kitchen with a pool of plastic food containers around my feet. My frustration had reached its peak as every time I pulled

Have Joy in Creations!

When you wake up in the morning,  look around you at the wonder of God’s creations. Take time to see the spectacular flowers along the walk, the smell of water sprinkling the earth, and take time to laugh at the
