Monthly Archives: April 2024

7 reasons YOU should Persevere Despite Impossible Circumstances!

When faced with difficult times, it’s easy to give up and move on. Life can be overwhelming, and it’s natural to be overwhelmed and even succumb to defeat, but the Bible encourages us to have faith and keep fighting even

Keep seeking God, expect Him to lead you New Ways!

Walking with God is often a step-by-step process. The Bible is a great resource that shows us how to walk with God.  In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see men walking with God, not only Enoch

God is at work in Seemingly Hopeless Circumstances!

In the midst of life’s trials and challenges, we have found that it can be easy to lose hope and feel as though bad circumstances will never change. However, it is precisely in these moments that we have found that

Trust God’s Flow for Your Needs!

I’d like to encourage you to trust in the faithfulness of God in and through all of your problems. God is working in and through all of your circumstances to bring about His best good for you and for His

Tired? Need Help? Look for the light!

“Captain! I’m not sure I can do this! What if I mess up? What about the sandbars and rocks in this channel? What if I get off course in the dark and how will I know before it’s too late?” Those were the very

Tired of Suffering?

A man came to his pastor and said, “Pastor, would you please pray that God will give me patience?” Two weeks later, he returned and said, “Good grief, Pastor! Terrible things are happening to me. My life’s coming unglued.” “Well,”

Grab Hold of the Lifeline!

My mom suffered an exceptionally awful day when we moved her from independent to assisted living. Like many people with dementia experiencing a change, she defiantly cussed, yelled, and got physically aggressive. Her pupils grew constricted, and the sparkle that

Tired of problems?12 Bible Verses To build Your faith!

Satan is always trying to put his thoughts in our minds, but we can identify them and reject them with the Word of God. Below are 12 types of thoughts Satan tries to inflict on us and the Bible verses
