Tag Archives: Deserve

Maybe You have less because God gets more Glory!

Whenever I’m despondent about not getting the recognition I feel I deserve in life I like to be reminded that less is actually more with God. Think about it. Most of our lives we’re thinking of success in the wrong

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

Do You need a word from The Lord?

Have you ever really needed God to guide you? Have you found yourself at the bottom of the barrel without enough and uncertain of what to do? Sometimes when circumstances are not working right and folks are acting up, you

Are you tired as Good Friday approaches?Think Yourself happy!

First of all, Happiness starts with you. You must first be happy with your self before you can be happy in your life. One notion that a lot of people have, is they think that money will solve all their

You Are God

You Are God Some people consider it to be blasphemous to say that you are God. If you believe in concept of ‘blasphemy’, I say it is more blasphemous not to acknowledge it. We often say we are children of

A Christmas Idea

A Christmas Idea Christmas was coming up, and Declan was determined to find get his father and brother the perfect gifts. Shopping for his mother was always easy; no one made it clearer what they wanted more than she did.

God Loves Wealth – 5 Reasons Why God Wants You to have enough!

 The number one obstacle people have standing between them and the wealth they truly want is feeling as though it is simply “wrong” for them to have a lot of money. For many, it’s a tie to “God”, in whatever
