Tag Archives: Ask God

Want to be happy?Claim it!

Some people believe that achieving happiness is the purpose of life, yet the pursuit of happiness often leads to unhappiness. This is because happiness is actually a consequence of a different life purpose – the pursuit of evolving our souls

Come sit with God awhile..Listen as Sheryl Brady Speaks…

 Life can be rough sometimes and it can be hard to figure out what is going on and why you are having to go through so much. God has many reasons why you may be facing  difficulties and He is

Have you ever?

             Have you ever come to the point in your life where YOU asked God WHY are YOU here, and what are YOU meant to do? We know that we have…and when you think about it, each of us may look this question in the eye, wonder for

Need answers in life? Turn to God!

Have you ever wondered, as we all have at some point and time why we are here and what God wants us to do with the life He has given us? We know that we’ve all had some “defining” moments

Are you tired of going through?

Dear child of God, if you are going through something bad right now, no matter how bad it is, don’t worry because it will change. It will change because God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 states for

Is UnForgiveness Blocking Your God-Given Blessings?

The powers of prayer of forgiveness, and of positive thinking are all very powerful indeed. They are also closely connected to each other. Everything from our health to our finances to our relationships with others are affected by the negativity

Do you want to be Happy?

Have you ever said “I just want to be happy?” Maybe you have heard yourself saying this a thousand times already, maybe not. Even so,these words are what composes the deepest desires of a person’s heart.Have you ever wished that

When You Read Scriptures And Time Travel With God,He’ll Guide You!

  It is always a difficult when picking which Scripture translation to choose for your own private reading. Sometimes it is hard not to think about the possibility that the original and authentic meaning of the text might get, to
