Quotes about Change in life!

We would like to discuss a number of great quotes with you about change for the better in your life. We all think that adjustment is the best thing in the entire world especially when things seem to be not working.  At times, we all  may be petrified of transformations, terrified of change and possibly even afraid of making any type of  improvements in our lives. The fear of all of the identified feelings that we’ve just revealed is normal,  however with God’s help and God’s leading change for the better in your life can be a uniquely awesome experience!   To change will mean to do something different to create a different result!  When God leads you to change, you may find youself having to make small adjustments until you begin to see your life improve.

Adjustments in your life is how God often brings change into your life when He wants to help you make your life better! There’s no need to be afraid to change when you’re following God. He is gentle. He is kind. He is merciful. He will wait on you. He will help you find the courage and the strength neccessary to change.  If God leads you to change, that change will  make you much stronger. It will make you much better! It will position you to prosper.  Then as you make the changes that God leads you to make, you will begin to experience transformation in your life.  It is that transformation that will help bring about your better life!

As God nudges you to change, grab a hold of these quotes and go ahead and take that next step with God and walk forward with Him to change!

~ Fear and anxiety is actually normal as you face change.

> Fear will be your greatest adversary. It’s going to force you to lose best friends. It’ll lead you to become your own personal opponent. It will force you to make a choice.

~ God always has a plan A to implement  change in your life. God always has a plan B to implement change in your life. God always has a strategy to improve your life and He is able to alter His plans to improve your life based upon where you are at this present moment and time in your life.

— To be aware that you need to change and repeatedly fail to follow God’s change process for your life will keep you stuck. Next time you look in the mirror, ask Yourself if you are willing to “Change” with God’s help and guidance?

~ God is always working to improve your life through change.

– To  refuse to improve through God’s change process for your life delays your blessings and your promotions from God!

> Not all changes end up in progress. Nevertheless progress is unreachable without change.

If God is nudging you to change, go ahead and take the steps He’s leading you to, your God given dreams coming true could depend upon you becoming willing to “Change”