Tag Archives: wine

Incline Your Ear, God wants to bless YOU!

 At a time when so many families feel financially destitute and hopeless, it can be hard to imagine that silver lining. But the mind is a battlefield. The enemy is really busy and will do what he can to redirect

You Are Not Facing YOUR Battles Alone: God is with YOU!

And the Lord answered, ‘I will be with you…” Judges 6:16 Some days can seem hurried, pressured, and tense. We know God’s truth, we believe His goodness, and yet we still find ourselves struggling, minds racing, before our feet even

New Wine and Old Skins

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” “He’s old and stuck in his ways.” “She’s never going to change.” There is an ingrained, all-too-often-proved-true, prejudice that when we get older we can’t, or won’t, change any more. This is

Are You Still Waiting On God?

Do you like to wait? Do you enjoy sitting at a doctor’s office waiting to be seen? How about going to the drive through at a fast food restaurant with a 35-car line and the food not cooking fast enough?

Work in Harmony With God – Get Positive Results!

No one has a fate, but everyone has a destiny. Fate is an outcome that cannot be changed and does not depend on the actions of an individual. Fate does not make sense conceptually, given the fact that all people

The Indescribable Love and Faithfulness of God

Do you doubt God’s love for you? Are you convinced of His love and faithfulness towards a fallen humanity? Consider these facts from God’s Word: In the Garden of Eden, God showed us His idea of the true “Good Life”.

Best Christmas Gift

Best Christmas Gift Think about the best Christmas gift you ever received. Chances are it wasn’t a shirt and tie, a pair of shoes, or even a gift card to your favorite store. Most likely, your favorite Christmas gifts were
