Tag Archives: tired

If you are tired of going through it, rely on God!

When life gets tough, it can be easy to rely on our own strength to get us through. But what happens when our own strength isn’t enough? That’s when we need to rely on God. In Proverbs 3:5, we are told

Discouraged? Invite God to help!

If you ever feel discouraged (and who hasn’t at some time or another?) there are plenty of ways to move beyond it. You can make it a temporary “blip” in time rather than a downward pull of emotional quicksand. Here

Don’t worry, God will help you! Warfare increases the closer you get to victory!

What can we do in the midst of the battle? First, we should rejoice—because the victory has already been won! This fuels our prayers and fixes our perspective. Why have we won? Jesus tells us,  “In the world you will

When No 1 else cares, God cares!

I have such a love for music that I can’t just turn on one album at a time — I literally shuffle all my songs every day and listen to my collection like a radio station. The only difference between my

YOU will help Unlock God’s Purposes if you pray more!

Have you ever wondered what God’s plans and purposes are for your life? As a Christian, you probably understand the importance of seeking God’s presence and listening to His voice. It is through prayer and communing with God that you

God hears and wants to help!

Dear friend and frequent blog reader, God understands the weight on your shoulders, the weariness in your spirit, and the frustration of prayers seemingly unanswered. It’s tough, isn’t it? Wondering why bad things happen and why God, who cares so

Maybe you just need “Living” water!

In John 4, we read that Jesus met a Samaritan woman at “Jacob’s well,” and asked her for a drink of water. When she questioned His behavior, He engaged her in conversation: Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift

If it’s “still” not working, let God help you find another solution!

While working on a project, do you ever say to yourself, “Something is missing…”—but then, after making a few changes, you still don’t see the desired results? When that happens, do you give up or look for another solution? Perhaps, even though possibly uncomfortable,
