Tag Archives: tired

Linger in God’s presence, let Him show you the way!

I have such a love for music that I can’t just turn on one album at a time — I literally shuffle all my songs every day and listen to my collection like a radio station. The only difference between my

Put God First!

Do you ever forget anything? I do. Sometimes I’ll get on an elevator and wonder why I haven’t reached my floor. And then I’ll discover it’s because I hadn’t remembered to push the button. I forget where I’ve put things.

You can trust God during economic uncertainty!

We are in a time of economic uncertainty with rising inflation, gas prices, housing expenses, and grocery costs. Thankfully, God’s ability to provide for His children is not dependent on the stability of the economy. Even when there is economic

7 prayers to help your morning be great!

Whether you jump out of bed in the morning or attempt to hit snooze as many times possible before waking up, it is important to invite God into your day. We do not wake up each day hoping the sun

Remember, don’t get stuck in a place called, “Almost”!

Do you ever buy new technology thinking, “This is it the ultimate! There’s no way anyone can improve on this design!” That’s how I used to feel about my VHS player. Led by this delusional thinking, my husband and I

Keep trying, cause☺You Could Be Closer Than You Think☺

Followers of Jesus have the ability to suffer long times without giving up. We are called to strengthen the inner core of our souls so that we can withstand difficulties.Are you exhausted from the battle? Keep marching, my friend! You may

Stay on “God’S” Pathway, you’ll get victory!

What can we do in the midst of the battle? First, we should rejoice—because the victory has already been won! This fuels our prayers and fixes our perspective. Why have we won? Jesus tells us,  “In the world you will

Your way? Or God’s way?

When YOU are ready to hear God’s Word, He will bring YOU to a place where He speaks to YOU. This happened to the Prophet Jeremiah when the Lord told him, “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and
