Tag Archives: Prayer

Claim YOUR Spiritual healing!

Prayer work is one of the most compelling forms of communication with the sources of all that exists. One part of prayer is the sharing of your deepest longings, desires and concerns with God while the other is the surrendering

The unexpected horizons of Prayer

37 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them: I will increase their men like a flock. 38 Like a flock offered as holy sacrifices, like the

Are You a child of God?

 It is said that God created the world in His own image, and that we are children of God because humans have  been created in God’s image. In case you’re wondering, the first part is undoubtedly true: of course God

Sick? God will send His word to heal!

Are you seeking God for healing? If you are, did you know that God has already sent His word to heal you (Ps. 107:20)? It is God’s word that heals. In the book of Numbers 21:8,9 the people were healed


Light is the agent of illuminationthat stimulates the sense of sight. God, who is the Creator of the whole universe, is LIGHT. The bible says in 1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from Him and declare

Faith in Jesus Christ can bring healing!

When you live by faith you believe in the supernatural power of Jesus to forgive, strengthen and heal you amongst other things. The word ‘faith’ in the New Testament can be translated as ‘confidence, belief’ and ‘trust’ and at least

One God for all!

Our ability, to assist in bringing forth the Kingdom of God within ourselves and on our planet, depends first and foremost on understanding who God is (to the best of our present ability to do so).  The Apostle Paul explained

Words of Power

Words of Power The interplay of words and the power of sentences are most intriguing – people are influenced by their perception and understanding of the way a concept is presented, and how ideas is communicated, and then are subsequently
