Tag Archives: Idea

Words of Power

Words of Power The interplay of words and the power of sentences are most intriguing – people are influenced by their perception and understanding of the way a concept is presented, and how ideas is communicated, and then are subsequently

Gifts from the holy land

Gifts from the holy land Most of the people choose to give their loved ones presents that will have a special and spiritual meaning to them and that will go with them for a long time. A good idea for

Best Christmas Gift

Best Christmas Gift Think about the best Christmas gift you ever received. Chances are it wasn’t a shirt and tie, a pair of shoes, or even a gift card to your favorite store. Most likely, your favorite Christmas gifts were

A Christmas Idea

A Christmas Idea Christmas was coming up, and Declan was determined to find get his father and brother the perfect gifts. Shopping for his mother was always easy; no one made it clearer what they wanted more than she did.

God Loves Wealth – 5 Reasons Why God Wants You to have enough!

 The number one obstacle people have standing between them and the wealth they truly want is feeling as though it is simply “wrong” for them to have a lot of money. For many, it’s a tie to “God”, in whatever

Being Happy

Being Happy We all seek happiness in our life; we all want to find peace, contentment, to be at ease, and feel fulfilled. And yet how often does this really happen, and what is the key to finding this?  How

Motivational inspirational quotes for happiness

Motivational inspirational quotes for happiness motivational quotes – Nobody motivates today’s workers. If it doesn’t come from within, it doesn’t come. Fun helps remove the barriers that allow people to motivate themselves.– Herman Cain   Inspirational quotes – If you

Is the Bible the Word of God?

Is the Bible the Word of God? Mmmyeah… not really. Words belong to the domain of deficient human communication, while God communicates through Love, creation and the beauty of all that is. The Bible was written by humans. Sacred documents
