Tag Archives: Church

God sees, He knows and He is working to help solve “YOUR”difficult circumstances”!

Are you weary from your struggles? You may find yourself in a relentless cycle of disappointment, overwhelmed by unanswered prayers and problems that seem insurmountable. When you look around, it appears everyone else has their life perfectly orchestrated, while you

Your Prayers May Change Things, 10 Ways it did in the Bible!

If you’re going to say a prayer, it’s probably because you want something to change. When you pray for a blessing, you want to feel blessed afterward. When you pray for protection, you want to feel safe afterward. When you

If you’re tired, Trust God to renew your strength!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, welcome to this empowering blog post about trusting God for help, guidance, and blessings when you become weary in well doing! Life can be challenging, and it’s not uncommon to feel tired and discouraged

If it’s still not working, wait on God!

“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him, Those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the land.”Psalms 37:7, 9 “In patience possess your souls.”“Ye have need of patience.”“Let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be

Maybe God wants You to Trust Him more and worry less!

As we look into Bible history, we will see that The Bible is full of people of faith that received the promise of God without seeing that promise right then — people who had to contend with  The devil and

Still Need Help?God is waiting For You to Seek Him!

We all live through fears at one time or another in our life and turning to God as our main foundation in life is one way to obtain His help to defeat fears and problems in our lives. Talking to God on a regular basis gives you

When Weariness weighs you down: Restore YOUR Strength Through Prayer and Patience!

Have you ever felt as though problems felt like a heavy blanket of weariness that has settled over you? If you have, You’re not alone. Life’s challenges can leave you drained, frustrated, fed up, sick, stressed out or just plain

God wants to speak into your “noisy” environments” and change things!

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:12) My brain felt fried. We had just wrapped an action-packed weekend with our two older daughters at their biggest tournament
