Tag Archives: Prayer

Even If You’re Tired….. YOU MUST Keep Moving Forward!

YOU’VE COME THIS FAR by faith; keep moving forward The central theme, chosen to mark the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Brittons Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church, was taken up by Reverend Lorton Moore during the anniversary service, luncheon and awards

Keep seeking God, expect Him to lead you New Ways!

Walking with God is often a step-by-step process. The Bible is a great resource that shows us how to walk with God.  In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see men walking with God, not only Enoch

God is at work in Seemingly Hopeless Circumstances!

In the midst of life’s trials and challenges, we have found that it can be easy to lose hope and feel as though bad circumstances will never change. However, it is precisely in these moments that we have found that

Grab Hold of the Lifeline!

My mom suffered an exceptionally awful day when we moved her from independent to assisted living. Like many people with dementia experiencing a change, she defiantly cussed, yelled, and got physically aggressive. Her pupils grew constricted, and the sparkle that

Victory can be yours, God is your strength!

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like things are piling up on top of you, one after another? As one issue resolves, another one comes. Or maybe nothing is fixed, and you feel like problems are

Trust God for the right kind of help when you are tired of your circumstances!

No matter what you are going through in life, feeling like you have nowhere to turn can lead to an overwhelming sense of loneliness, worry, and even depression. When your life’s problems become too much for you, it can lead

God Does answer Prayer, but you may have to wait!

In case you haven’t noticed as you get older, life gets rougher and tougher. Problems tend to crop up from out of no where and they often become way too much too fast. The devil seems to get smarter with

Your Frustration is trying to tell you something!

Frustration is something that we all have experienced at one time or another. Usually, the normal reaction for frustration may involve anxiety, anger, depression or even hopelessness if we believe a situation cannot change. We believe that the frustration comes
