Tag Archives: Yours

Have Joy in Creations!

When you wake up in the morning,  look around you at the wonder of God’s creations. Take time to see the spectacular flowers along the walk, the smell of water sprinkling the earth, and take time to laugh at the

Want to be part of the Holy Moment?

If I could impart the knowledge of how you could be part of the holy moment, and you in turn, experienced the holy moment, it would be glorious in that through your experience it would release me and thereby bless

Christ’s Love!

Many people appear to lack the faith to worship a God they cannot see so they choose to worship other humans. Some worship Buddha, some Jesus, and some other avatars. God apparently knew humans would have this problem, therefore He chose Jacob’s descendants

Leather Study Bible

  A leather study Bible is an invaluable tool for anyone who is serious about studying the Bible, increasing knowledge and understanding of Biblical themes and principles, and growing in their personal spiritual walk with God.  Study Bibles differ from

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart

Encouragement Poems For The Broken Heart The greatest pain in the world is that of the broken heart. When you experienced a continuous outpouring of love only to see it disappear and be replaced by a pain just as large.

Spiritual Healing is God’s Healing

Spiritual healing is one of the way God heals. God does heal and more people than ever before are now turning to this type of healing as traditional medicine is failing many people. In reality there is only one person who can

You Are God

You Are God Some people consider it to be blasphemous to say that you are God. If you believe in concept of ‘blasphemy’, I say it is more blasphemous not to acknowledge it. We often say we are children of

Best Christmas Gift

Best Christmas Gift Think about the best Christmas gift you ever received. Chances are it wasn’t a shirt and tie, a pair of shoes, or even a gift card to your favorite store. Most likely, your favorite Christmas gifts were
