Tag Archives: Wrong

If you stick with God, Blessings are Hidden for you at Your Crossroads!

Are you finding it difficult to get through life? Is absolutely nothing working for you? It could be that God is leading you through closed doors. Although no one likes closed doors, closed doors play a very important part of the story that God

God will Help Re-Create Your Life Story!

I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. —Joel 2:25 Have you ever taken the time to think about your life up until this point? Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you

Still Need Help?God is waiting For You to Seek Him!

We all live through fears at one time or another in our life and turning to God as our main foundation in life is one way to obtain His help to defeat fears and problems in our lives. Talking to God on a regular basis gives you

God wants to help You “Manage”bad situations!

The Law of Fear and Faith states that one or the other will rule your life depending on you and your will when you are faced with bad situations. Each has the power to dominate, but only one will always

If You’re Fed up and tired of it, Joylessness Is Not a Sin or Failure!

We all go through times of joylessness, times of abject failure, seasons of grief, feeling overwhelmed for prolonged periods of time. Some of us are burnt out for any number of reasons. And many of us flagellate ourselves; we beat

God is Your Refuge and Strength!

Have you ever needed a refuge, a place to hide from the storm? Our little boat was heading straight into a 50 MPH wind. My friend and me were out fishing on a small lake in the Midwest. We didn’t

Sometimes God Speaks By Saying “Nothing”!

“If God is silent, what’s that to you? If he turns his face away, what can you do about it? But whether silent or hidden, he’s there, ruling.” (Job 34:29 MSG) Sometimes God speaks by saying nothing. This is extremely

God invites you to Time Travel, Read The Scriptures!

 Many people tend to look at the Scriptures the wrong way. They pick up the Bible and read it like it is an encyclopedia. Sure, there is nothing wrong with reading the Bible in that manner, but God wants you
