Tag Archives: Working

Maybe You Just Need To Trust God In Your Hard Stuck Places!

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in the middle of something? Maybe it was a stressful financial situation that didn’t seem to have a clear resolution. Maybe it was a challenging relationship where things felt tense and unresolved. Maybe

Maybe God wants You to Trust Him more and worry less!

As we look into Bible history, we will see that The Bible is full of people of faith that received the promise of God without seeing that promise right then — people who had to contend with  The devil and

Still Need Help?God is waiting For You to Seek Him!

We all live through fears at one time or another in our life and turning to God as our main foundation in life is one way to obtain His help to defeat fears and problems in our lives. Talking to God on a regular basis gives you

If You’re Overworked,God wants to help you!

Work brings about so much stress. After a long work day, the day closes, and if you are being overworked you will know it because you will feel drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you are overworked you feel totally drained out

God has victory planned For your life!

King David was up against a familiar foe. Years before as a young shepherd boy, he had faced down Goliath, the top Philistine warrior, by killing him with a well-placed stone (1 Sam. 17). Now David was king of Israel, and

God wants to make Ways For You!

No matter what is going on in your life that you either do not agree with or do not like, we’d like to encourage you to not worry too much about it because if you believe in and trust God

God is at Work, Even if Prayers Are Unanswered!

How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? —Psalm 13:1 For 9 long years, Saul hounded David as “one hunts a partridge in the mountains” (1 Sam. 26:20). “How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?” David prayed.

Tired? Try Keeping YOUR Eyes on the Real Prize!

Politicians talk about change as if it is some precious metal not easily mined or the holy grail to be recovered. They tout their ability to bring change. They may even talk about the quality of change they hope to
