Tag Archives: Strong

If You’re Tired of Waiting..Do This!

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself

Are you in God’s Waiting Room? You’re Not Alone!

“After waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.” (Hebrews 6:15 NIV) When you’re waiting on God, remember that you’re in good company. Millions of saints before you have sat in God’s waiting room. You’re not alone. In fact if you’re

Does this Christmas find YOU Uncertain?

In times of uncertainty people want visionary leaders. But what if God’s good plan For You is a period of sustained uncertainty? What if God wants you to trust Him moment by moment and day by day instead of having

Are You Worried Or Afraid?

Do you ever deal with worry, stress, anxiety or fear? We do and we  are going to guess that you do too. We were praying about what to write today and felt that this is the message that the Lord

The Precious Stone: A Story of Spiritual Direction For You!

A holy and happy hermit came to the outskirts of a village and settled down under a tree for the night. He got out his Bible and was about to say his prayers, which he always prayed in Jesus’ name,

Are You Tired of Being Tired of life?

In a moment we will share with you some questions you can use to coach yourself to help you become less tired of life! But first…ask yourself the following questions; Each day do you think ‘what’s the point’? So you

Confused? Uncertain? Need Help? Read God’s word!

Have you ever had a feeling that something was so very, very right, and then when you did it, it ended up being so very, very wrong? Feelings lie. They lie to you all the time! There’s an old country

MayBe Where You Are is “Meant For You To Pause And Reflect”!

Popular wisdom discourages us from looking back in time. For example, the oft-cited quote from Bil Keane is, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” I would argue that the
