Tag Archives: SC

Maybe It’s Time FOR YOU To make Time For God!

Imagine that you’ve been invited to meet with the President of the United States in the Oval Office. You’d likely look forward to your appointment with great excitement. Now imagine that someone much more exciting – the God of the

If God checked Your Heart, Would He Find It Pure?

The Bible says in Matthew 5:8, “God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God” (NLT, second edition). To “see God” means to experience the presence of God. Believers who have a pure heart get to feel

When God is With You….Fear Is an Option!

Feed your fears, and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will starve! That’s what Jeremiah did. He said: I am a man who has seen affliction under the rod of his [the LORD’s] wrath; he has

Waiting For God To answer Your Prayers? Can God choose How He Answers?

 Before I can be trusted to wield the blessings, authority, power, and resources of God – and this is certainly His intent– I must come forward with hands raised in surrender and say, “Father, not my will but yours be done…”

God’s Message to Jesus… and You!

Fresh starts and new beginnings are important to us. We try to make a good first impression. When we begin a new job, initiate a new project, or kick-off a new school year, we want to get off to a

Healing Past Hurts (Part Two)

It has been said that our life can be likened to a puzzle of many pieces. The first piece of the puzzle begins at birth, adding piece by piece as we grow into adulthood. Every aspect of our life shapes

Weaning Unwanted Behaviors from your Life!

  Psalm 131 A Song of Ascents. Of David- 1 LORD, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me. 2 Surely I have calmed
