Tag Archives: Prayer

The Mail Carrier!

I thought it would be easy to navigate my way to the expressway from my new job, but I was not familiar with the neighborhood. To further my confusion, a few street signs were missing. The only sure landmark I

God has Hope for YOU in your Messy Days!

Parenting cuts deep to the core. It lays open our needs before God, and we can either resent it or embrace the powerful cleansing that comes from God’s purifying fire Yesterday was messy. It felt like we were trudging through

Find Power In YOUR Weakness!

Acts 18:1-17; 2 Corinthians 11:22-28 Paul pressed ahead through a mind-boggling series of intense hardships. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. Are they ministers of Christ?

Victory can be yours, God is your strength!

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like things are piling up on top of you, one after another? As one issue resolves, another one comes. Or maybe nothing is fixed, and you feel like problems are

5 Ways to Let Go of Worry!

We  read some place  recently that when you pray for courage, what God gives you are  situations where you get the opportunity to be courageous.  Likewise if you pray for strength, you’ll be thrust into situations that require strength. It’s

👳🏻‍♂️5 Things to remember As YOU go through it🤦‍♀️!

1. God’s Word Is Always Relevant I keep a running list of my favorite encouraging scriptures that I can go to anytime I’m facing a struggle in my life, or if I’m just generally feeling discouraged at any point in

There is Power in fervent prayer “when it seems like nothing is changing”!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, Today’s blog posts has been delayed due to our hosting provider’s servers being on and offline repeatedly. Below you will find today’s article we pray that it will bless you, encourage you and inspire

God’s ways lead to blessings street!

Ever get lost on a road trip? I certainly have; in fact, if I don’t carefully follow the directions on a map, I might end up completely off course! I occasionally don’t want to read the directions and instead rely on
