Tag Archives: Prayer

Walk by Faith-Leave the Results to God!

Walking by faith is easy when we get the results we are looking for, isn’t it? When our prayers are answered the way we want them to be and everything happens the way we want, it’s easy to have faith.

Don’t worry, God hears you!

In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. (2 Samuel 22:7 NIV) The cries that awaken a mother in the middle of

Don’t give up!

In the midst of the escalating threats and declining morals we see in the world today, it’s easy to get discouraged and become fearful. Yet God always provides a witness to His love and salvation! In the Old Testament, Isaiah

God is at work in Seemingly Hopeless Circumstances!

In the midst of life’s trials and challenges, we have found that it can be easy to lose hope and feel as though bad circumstances will never change. However, it is precisely in these moments that we have found that

Keep seeking God, expect Him to lead you New Ways!

Walking with God is often a step-by-step process. The Bible is a great resource that shows us how to walk with God.  In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see men walking with God, not only Enoch

When Bad Circumstances and Bad Folks Get On YOUR Nerves, Do This!

When was the last time you had a bad day? I bet it wasn’t long ago. Maybe you had an argument with your spouse first thing in the morning and spilled your coffee on your way out the door. Or

Your Prayers May Change Things, 10 Ways it did in the Bible!

If you’re going to say a prayer, it’s probably because you want something to change. When you pray for a blessing, you want to feel blessed afterward. When you pray for protection, you want to feel safe afterward. When you

{You might Be still Fighting the wrong things!}

In case you haven’t already noticed or experienced it for yourself, here’s a bit of wisdom I’ve gathered along my journey of faith in the Lord: The life of a Christian is not an easy one! It’s not like we
