Tag Archives: Marketing

5 Things to remember when you are going through it!

When you are facing something difficult in your life, do you ever find yourself struggling with an uncontrollable swirl of thoughts and emotions, accompanied by discouragement? When you are suffering and your mind is desperately trying to make sense of

Sometimes the Best Prayers are the Unanswered Ones!

In an instant-gratification-addicted world, where we need and want answers, meals, information and almost everything instantly, we sometimes treat our prayer life the same way. If we don’t get an answer or see a situation change in about a week,

Walk by Faith-Leave the Results to God!

Walking by faith is easy when we get the results we are looking for, isn’t it? When our prayers are answered the way we want them to be and everything happens the way we want, it’s easy to have faith.

Is Your Life Based on the “Right” kind of Joy?!

Everyone is looking for joy. Marketing companies know this. Every commercial promises the same product: joy. Want some joy? Buy our hand cream. Want some joy? Sleep on this mattress. Want some joy? Eat at this restaurant, drive this car,

Don’t think you’ll make it?Where is YOUR Faith?

The way you think will influence the way you will be.  This is why having faith is essential in order for you to do anything. What you think about the most of and what you imagine yourself as the most
