Tag Archives: Lost

Have Joy in Creations!

When you wake up in the morning,  look around you at the wonder of God’s creations. Take time to see the spectacular flowers along the walk, the smell of water sprinkling the earth, and take time to laugh at the

One God for all!

Our ability, to assist in bringing forth the Kingdom of God within ourselves and on our planet, depends first and foremost on understanding who God is (to the best of our present ability to do so).  The Apostle Paul explained

Shout To God!

Clap your hands, everybody, shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! Psalm 47:1 With so much negative talk about the economy and where we’re headed as

Christ’s Love!

Many people appear to lack the faith to worship a God they cannot see so they choose to worship other humans. Some worship Buddha, some Jesus, and some other avatars. God apparently knew humans would have this problem, therefore He chose Jacob’s descendants

NKJV Daily Bible

NKJV Daily Bible The New King James Daily Bible, or the NKJV Daily Bible, is a variant of the standard King James Bible. The bottom line is that this Bible was produced in more modern English. This is a Bible

Why People Reject Jesus Christ

Why People Reject Jesus Christ People might feel they know the reason they have rejected Jesus Christ, but their reason would probably be wrong. The real reason they have rejected the Son of God is stated in the Bible in

The Encouragement Box

The Encouragement Box Every year, buying Christmas presents is one of those tasks I put off. I’m not one of those people who can go shopping in a department store in July and think, “My sister would love this for…Christmas!”

Condolence Letters: Sending Words of Encouragement to a Loved One

Condolence Letters: Sending Words of Encouragement to a Loved One Condolence letters are considered some of the most difficult letters to write and send because of their very sensitive nature. Even so, when someone close to you is dealing with
