Tag Archives: heaven

Has God kept You Waiting?

I hate to wait.I hate to wait in line at the store. I hate to wait for road construction. Waiting is hard enough, but add to it uncertainty and the challenge can feel overwhelming. It is hard to wait for

Going the Wrong Way?God Allows U-Turns!

Question: I know it won’t be long before I have to stand before God and be judged for something terrible I did over 50 years ago. The closer I get to the end of my life, the more frightened I

Ever wonder why You Should Read Scriptures?

The teachings of the Scriptures are very significant in the life of a true follower of Jesus Christ. Mostly all of us are more or less familiar with the story in which the Father sent his only Son down to Earth to promulgate

God has purpose in Your pain!

 A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another

Instead of giving up, look to God, He Has a Bright Future For You!

We live in a confusing and changing world. With so much discord and unhappiness swirling around it can sometimes feel impossible to lead a truly Christian life. When our political and social leaders are making great missteps and failing to

God may Bless America if you pray!

Have you ever heard the phrase “God Bless America”? No truer words have ever been said, because we all really do need God to bless America. The phrase “God Bless America” is often said in general and almost always relating


Light is the agent of illuminationthat stimulates the sense of sight. God, who is the Creator of the whole universe, is LIGHT. The bible says in 1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from Him and declare

Is Christ really YOUR King?

 Readings: Jeremiah 21: 1 -6; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43. The OT passage today from the prophet Jeremiah is called a ‘messianic oracle’. That means that it foretells the coming of Jesus Christ as the Saviour. It was written some 2,500
