Tag Archives: desire

Work with God to heal yourself!

We’ve often heard that human beings utilize only a tiny fraction of our brain power, but in recent years a wonderful movement has been afoot which encompasses a much stronger pull toward using the power of our minds to a

Do you want to be Happy?

Have you ever said “I just want to be happy?” Maybe you have heard yourself saying this a thousand times already, maybe not. Even so,these words are what composes the deepest desires of a person’s heart.Have you ever wished that

God may Bless America if you pray!

Have you ever heard the phrase “God Bless America”? No truer words have ever been said, because we all really do need God to bless America. The phrase “God Bless America” is often said in general and almost always relating

God wants to help you create abundance!

If you are looking to live a life of prosperity, you are no doubt interested in living a life rich and abundant. Aren’t we all?  However, many of us are stuck in the mindset that we need to have something

Are you tired as Good Friday approaches?Think Yourself happy!

First of all, Happiness starts with you. You must first be happy with your self before you can be happy in your life. One notion that a lot of people have, is they think that money will solve all their

Want to improve your life?Write Scriptures!

Often times when studying the Word of God, we quickly read over the verses. We get a general understanding of the verses and may spend a few moments thinking about them. But shouldn’t studying the Word of God be more

Quotes to motivate and inspire you!

Inspirational quotes will make it clear to you that many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. So dont miss your change read those short motivational quotes and

Claim YOUR Spiritual healing!

Prayer work is one of the most compelling forms of communication with the sources of all that exists. One part of prayer is the sharing of your deepest longings, desires and concerns with God while the other is the surrendering
