Tag Archives: Control

Are UnResolved Problems Making You Tired or Anxious?

Anxiety could be described as a fly in a room full of large mosquitoes with you trapped in the room with them unable to get out. While it can be aggravating to be trapped in a room with a fly,

Are You Struggling to Find Faith?

      Faith! Faith? Faith can be a struggle whether the struggle is intellectual or based on hard life experiences or withering losses. How can we find faith, and in finding faith, also find ourselves in a better story?

God Has A Plan For You, But So Does the devil!

  Satan wants nothing more than to enter certain areas of your life so he can gain a stronghold. He’ll try anything to throw you off center, distract you from your focus, and render you ineffective for the Kingdom of

God has seen and He Wants To Set You Free!

God observes the shackles that we hide in our souls. We are slaves to food, sex, drugs, money, pride, fame, man’s approval, pornography, and a host of other vices. Once we make Jesus the Commander of our lives, we, by

Problems? Turn To God’s Word- Have Faith!

The bible contains the word of God which directly speaks to us not only when we are faced with difficult situation but a daily guide for our short stay on earth, so with that in mind, here’s your Bible verse

Is Your Life Based on the “Right” kind of Joy?!

Everyone is looking for joy. Marketing companies know this. Every commercial promises the same product: joy. Want some joy? Buy our hand cream. Want some joy? Sleep on this mattress. Want some joy? Eat at this restaurant, drive this car,

It Can Be “Really” Hard, But Choose to Live Your Dreams…Anyway!

People deal with their dreams in one of three ways. They accuse, they excuse, or they choose.Accusers spend their entire lives blaming others for why they haven’t achieved their dreams. Excusers make excuses for why they are not living their
