Tag Archives: Choosing

Keep seeking God, expect Him to lead you New Ways!

Walking with God is often a step-by-step process. The Bible is a great resource that shows us how to walk with God.  In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see men walking with God, not only Enoch

Would YOU Trust God More, If He Gave YOU A Map?

“Turn right in 500 feet.” “Recalculating.” “Your destination is on the right.” I use a GPS device as a map, especially when traveling to a new place. After I type in the address, the female voice starts navigating. Of course,

Turn on the Magic Of God’s joy This Christmas!

The magic of God’s joy is up to you. It is not something that automatically happens just because you decide to have a lot of fun in your life . God’s magic of joy when properly used it is a

Change YOUR Nothings….Sow Seeds of Success!

Let it be known that the things we do today, prepare us for our tomorrow. In fact, our world is overflowing with information and choices that entrepreneurs around the world are unaware of their failing efforts to move their business

The Egg or Carrot – Which Will You Choose When Life Gets Hard?

Inevitably, life will become challenging at some point. Circumstance will smack us across the face with an uppercut, a left hook, or a coup de grâce. When this happens, we have to make a choice: Do we want to be

Freedom to Choose!

In so many areas of life we have no choice. “It’s not fair,” we say. But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden. All complaints

What Happened?

If God created the world not just to be “good” (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25), but also to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31), what happened? Why did chaos, pain, and death come into our world? Why do death,

Maybe Your Problems are Pushing You to Pray For Revival!

“God doesn’t answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer.” I can still remember my feelings of shock and bewilderment as Leonard Ravenhill, the late church statesman, spoke these difficult words to me. Of course God answers prayer, I thought. But after
