Tag Archives: Best

Are You Following God’s Path For Your Life?

God gave us the word “may” as a gift to be able to see and impact the future for good and God. It is a word of opportunity, of blessing, of hope. Depending on who speaks the word or who

Ever Felt like a Misfit? God has A Plan For You!

God said it to Samuel as he looked among Jesse’s boys for Israel’s next king: The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1

Are Your Problems Holding You in Bondage?

Bondage is all about being held captive, it can be a physical form of imprisonment  but it can also be mental or emotional.  Bondage can easily be dismissed as a bad habit, a character flaw or some obnoxious personality quirk.

Need God’s help?Try This!

Do you need help but don’t know what to do? Are you unable to feel God’s love or sense His direction for your life when you meditate or pray? Sometimes when you are faced with challenges that feel overwhelming, it is not always possible to

Wait on God with Expectancy,He’s coming!

Someone has said: “I think I’m a pretty patient guy — that is, until I have to wait for something!” Sad but true, patience (waiting) does not occupy the top rung on our ladder of priorities. Waiting is not a

Don’t let the thief of Anger steal God’s Best!

Whenever people are wronged and get hurt, it is normal to feel angry, and popular Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer said that there is nothing wrong about feeling angry. However, how people choose to act on their anger is

Sought God For 3 Days? God Does Answer Prayer!

  Last Friday, an editorial cartoon in this paper showed a frantic Jesus unable to answer prayer calls from Ferguson, Missouri. That is one of the most blasphemous cartoons I’ve seen in recent months, and I am deeply offended. The

What one thing has God asked you to do today?

What one thing has God asked you to do today? If you don’t know the answer to that question then perhaps, like me, you are a little too goal-orientated and focused on achieving rather than slowing down long enough to
