Tag Archives: Ahead

God Has A Plan For You, But So Does the devil!

  Satan wants nothing more than to enter certain areas of your life so he can gain a stronghold. He’ll try anything to throw you off center, distract you from your focus, and render you ineffective for the Kingdom of

Is God calling YOU to Take a Leap of Faith?

Everything in me said “don’t do it” but for some reason I knew I was suppose to. Nothing really made sense about it, yet I knew it was from God. What you’re wondering, the leap of faith I was about

Calm, Wise, and Confident!

No king has ever intimidated God, no matter how wealthy his treasury, how extensive his kingdom, or how powerful his armies. God can handle anyone. Anyone! He can handle your husband. He can handle your wife. He can handle your

Ever Wonder Why God Doesn’t Tell You What’s Next?

I have spent a lot of my life trying to figure out what the next step looks like before it happens. I like to see the big picture. Not that I’m super organized or want to be fully prepared for

Have You Ever Asked God Why?

Admit it. You have lots of WHY questions for God. Why am I going through this situation?  Why did You let that happen?  Why didn’t You allow me to experience that blessing?  Although it is human nature to question and

Could it be That Your Difficulty Stems From Accepting and Understanding Change?

My wife’s aunt Emma, from the back mountains of Tennessee, thought she discovered a miracle change machine when she first encountered an elevator. She watched as an older, much wrinkled man hobbled on, and the doors closed. A few minutes

A Better Year Ahead?

We all want this year to be better than last — even if last year was a great year. How does that happen? Not by having better circumstances. (They always go up and down.) Not by keeping one of the

Bad circumstances?Expect God’s Goodness!

 The goodness of the Lord is the Honourable, enjoyable and pleasant virtue of God, which He bestows on mankind. It also demonstrates the kind nature of God, which should not be taken for granted. His Word tells us in Psalm
