Tag Archives: Affect

God wants to Fix what happened to create Your “New”!

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post will focus on allowing God to heal your past, so that your “New future can be created”!  Before you go forward,

If You’re Overworked,God wants to help you!

Work brings about so much stress. After a long work day, the day closes, and if you are being overworked you will know it because you will feel drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you are overworked you feel totally drained out

5 Ways to Let Go of Worry!

We  read some place  recently that when you pray for courage, what God gives you are  situations where you get the opportunity to be courageous.  Likewise if you pray for strength, you’ll be thrust into situations that require strength. It’s

Your Frustration is trying to tell you something!

Frustration is something that we all have experienced at one time or another. Usually, the normal reaction for frustration may involve anxiety, anger, depression or even hopelessness if we believe a situation cannot change. We believe that the frustration comes

God’s Words of Grace For You!

Everything depends upon God’s word. He created the universe by His word, we are redeemed according to His word, the world is sustained by His word, and His love toward us in its manifold expressions is revealed to us in

If you’re depressed,Can God Guide you?

In our ministry we have counseled several people who were once active, enthusiastic  and often volunteered in their churches. They used to be able to light up the room with their vibrant outlook on life when they were present at gatherings, but  because of life’s overwhelming problems

~Can God change You The Way He wants To?

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” (Romans 12:2a NLT, second edition). You cannot become all God created you to be until you understand the five factors that influence your identity. The first

Healing Past Hurts (Part Two)

It has been said that our life can be likened to a puzzle of many pieces. The first piece of the puzzle begins at birth, adding piece by piece as we grow into adulthood. Every aspect of our life shapes
