Tired? Need Help? Look for the light!

“Captain! I’m not sure I can do this! What if I mess up? What about the sandbars and rocks in this channel? What if I get off course in the dark and how will I know before it’s too late?” Those were the very frantic words of First Mate Alexander as he steered the ship through Ripside Channel for the first time.
“I once stood exactly where you are. You’ll do fine. Besides, I’ll be standing right here and won’t let you mess up,” the Captain replied.

“Let me tell you the story of how Ripside Channel got its name,” the Captain said. “Years ago, so many ships couldn’t navigate the channel, so the community folks decided something should be done to help protect their sailors. They decided to place a light on top of a high pole in three places. One, right on the beach, and two spaced out further back inland. The trick is to line up all three poles and lights until it looks like only one light. Once you’ve done that, you can sail safely through the channel.
One hour later, a deep sense of relief swept over FM Alexander as the lights came into view. He’d successfully navigated Ripside Channel at night. This was one night he’d always remember.

As Christians, we’d do well to follow the Captain’s advice. We should line up our lives to where we only see one light, the Savior shining like a beacon in our darkness. Although life’s sea has many dangers and disappointments, our Captain has already charted the course and walked in our shoes. If we focus on him, no matter the severity of the storm, we’re promised safe passage into that heavenly shore. Just follow that one light.
Heavenly Father, we ask that you would keep us safely in your care. Help us to focus on our one light who is Christ Jesus. No matter how difficult the way or how dark the night, help us realize we can always trust the word of our Captain. Help us as Christians understand that younger, inexperienced people are watching our lives. They’re looking to see how we rely on you and counting on us to help them through trying circumstances. Help us shine the light of your love in our lives that others may be drawn to you. Amen.

Copyright © 9/2020 Andy Hollifield, used with permission.
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