How to really live instead of just existing has plagued me for years. I know the truth that all believers are a new creation in Christ. But very few believers live with the joy of the Lord. Why is that? I think part of it comes down to a sense of urgency. Funerals seem to bring us back to reality. We realize that this life is not guaranteed beyond the next second. We want life to go on and on here on earth.
If today was your last day on this earth, would you be doing anything differently? Would you change jobs, make amends, spend it with loved ones, or ____________?
Heaven, for the believer in Jesus Christ, will be more than awesome. When we are saved (have faith alone in Jesus Christ) we are justified before a Holy God and ushered into heaven when we take our last earthly breath. But the sanctification process is our gift back to God who rescued us.
Sanctification is the process of growing in Christlikeness from the time we are saved until the time we are called home to Heaven. I guess you could say, in some way, our gift back to God is when we realized how our sin put Him on that horrible cross.
Are you growing or stagnant in this process? This has nothing to do with your salvation but has everything to do with the riches of joy Jesus promises for those who believe. Most of us assume riches is money. But for the Lord, riches is abundant grace and His love, which should give us boundless joy. If you feel tired, worthless, needy, anxiety-ridden, then chances are you have a skewed view of God’s grace.
Please know this: If you are saved, you are a child of the Only King of the universe. NO ONE can snatch you from His hand.
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” John 10:28 (NIV)
Please know that no matter what you are going through now, God knows! Nothing catches Him off guard and He is working all things out in your life for His perfect purpose. Compared to billions of years in eternity, 90 years on earth is less than a pinprick. So, while we are in the flesh let us all allow God to change us to His likeness. We can’t will ourselves to His likeness. It is only by His grace that we are changed, saved, and delivered.
Heaven is our real home, so please be joyful in what you have to do today.
Copyright © 2018 Brad Henry, used with permission.
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