Tag Archives: wendyevans

God is at work in Seemingly Hopeless Circumstances!

In the midst of life’s trials and challenges, we have found that it can be easy to lose hope and feel as though bad circumstances will never change. However, it is precisely in these moments that we have found that

Tired of Suffering?

A man came to his pastor and said, “Pastor, would you please pray that God will give me patience?” Two weeks later, he returned and said, “Good grief, Pastor! Terrible things are happening to me. My life’s coming unglued.” “Well,”

Struggling? Let God help!

If you’re like most people, you’ve run into your share of life’s struggles. Maybe you’re dealing with financial difficulty, health issues, a strained relationship, or just feeling a general lack of direction. It can be difficult to handle all the

Let God “”let God gift you with patient endurance” while He works! 

Are you facing challenging circumstances that leave you feeling overwhelmed and weary? Do you ever wonder why God allows difficult trials in your life? In this blog post, you will discover the power of patient endurance through the gift of

Trust God for the right kind of help when you are tired of your circumstances!

No matter what you are going through in life, feeling like you have nowhere to turn can lead to an overwhelming sense of loneliness, worry, and even depression. When your life’s problems become too much for you, it can lead

If you are tired of going through it, rely on God!

When life gets tough, it can be easy to rely on our own strength to get us through. But what happens when our own strength isn’t enough? That’s when we need to rely on God. In Proverbs 3:5, we are told

God is working behind the scenes!

“Jesus replied, ‘You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.’” John 13:7 (NLT) Where is God and what is He doing? I know that question. I’ve often asked Him in the middle of my bewilderment seasons. What I didn’t

You can still find peace in the midst of change!

“You’re not very good with change, are ya?” I can clearly remember those words carelessly flying out of my dear husband’s mouth (and the innocent look he gave) as we unpacked and moved into a new home. Granted, we were
