Tag Archives: Depressed

Our Weakness, God’s Power

They laugh because they have given up hope, and hope born anew is always funny before it is real. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (From Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” Matthew 5:3).

**When Life’s Circumstances Weigh You Down, Transfer Your Load to God**

Life can sometimes feel like an unending battle, can’t it? There are cricumstances in life that push your buttons that can oftentimes make you feel disgusted, worried, depressed, angry, doubtful in your faith, and just over the top tired of

Trust God to manifest abundance in your tired, sick, broke, or disgusted places!

Financial pressures – from unemployment to unexpected bills – can cause a tremendous amount of stress in your life. When you don’t have enough money, you’re not just broke, but also broken from the stress of living in a financial crisis. Something surprising

Weary in well doing? Trust God to renew your strength!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, welcome to this empowering blog post about trusting God for help, guidance, and blessings when you become weary in well doing! Life can be challenging, and it’s not uncommon to feel tired and discouraged

YOU can make it with God’s help!

My husband has faint scars on his arms and hands. It was not unusual to get the occasional burn at his former place of employment. He once worked at a die-cast factory, forcing molten metal into molds to form automotive

7 prayers to help your morning be great!

Whether you jump out of bed in the morning or attempt to hit snooze as many times possible before waking up, it is important to invite God into your day. We do not wake up each day hoping the sun

God is listening! Keep looking and Waiting!

I called up my friend, bursting with news to share. “Guess what?” I blurted out as soon as she answered. “Sorry, I’m on the other line,” she replied, cutting me off.  “Can I call you back?” So I called another

God isn’t running late!

“The end of a thing is better than its beginning. The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” (Ecclesiastes 7:8) A friend recently shared how he applied for a promotion, but was passed over and they chose
