Tag Archives: Writer

Healing Past Hurts (Part One)

Sometimes we have to dig around the dirt in order to plant something new, beautiful and well-rooted. This post is the first of two parts of a teaching on healing the past. Before you go forward, stop and pray. Ask

Weaning Unwanted Behaviors from your Life!

  Psalm 131 A Song of Ascents. Of David- 1 LORD, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me. 2 Surely I have calmed

Why Pray When It Doesn’t Stop Snowing?

Many parts of the country have been hit by heavy snow fall. It started out as a positive: the beauty it gave to the earth with robes of righteousness, teaching the kids how to make snow angels, then came the

What if Your Faith Determines Your Destiny?

“For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard it did not combine it with faith.” – Hebrews 4:2 The

Sought God For 3 Days? God Does Answer Prayer!

  Last Friday, an editorial cartoon in this paper showed a frantic Jesus unable to answer prayer calls from Ferguson, Missouri. That is one of the most blasphemous cartoons I’ve seen in recent months, and I am deeply offended. The

Have Faith In God..No Matter What..

“For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard it did not combine it with faith.” – Hebrews 4:2 The

No matter what,Look to God with hope!

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. — Hebrews 10:23 Although I try not to be shocked by the things I see these days, I was caught off-balance by the

Holy Land jewelry

Holy Land jewelry It is not essential to wait for a special occasion, like a birthday, an engagements party or a holyday, to give someone a present. You can give from your heart without looking for a special opportunity or
