Tag Archives: wendyevans

Find your Path to God in 2021!

The Bible and the early church were both exclusive and inclusive about salvation and fellowship. Jesus came for all people so that they could know the love of God. He chose to be born in humble circumstances to common people,

“The Bethlehem Princple”

Dear Roger,I’ve celebrated Christmas more than 70 times in my lifetime. Tell me something I probably haven’t heard about the Christmas story.Sincerely, Randy Dear Randy, One of the challenges facing pastors is ministering to YOU when Christmas rolls around. This problem reminds

10 Prayers to HELP deal with Covid-19!

COVID-19 is doing more than threatening our physical health, for many, it’s affecting their mental and emotional health as well. The coming months will likely be full of disappointment, sacrifice, and mourning. But, as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Is God sending you signs? 3 Signs God Is Trying To Tell You Something!

Here are three signs that God might be trying to tell you something very important. Unraveling A few years before I came to saving faith in Christ, things started to unravel for me. I wasn’t married, and it seemed every

Need to come back to God?

On a trip to Florida’s Gulf Coast, I witnessed a beach restoration project. The beach, seriously eroded by high winds and surging waves caused by tropical storms, had all but disappeared. In fact, the coast had washed away to the

The Mail Carrier!

I thought it would be easy to navigate my way to the expressway from my new job, but I was not familiar with the neighborhood. To further my confusion, a few street signs were missing. The only sure landmark I

Perhaps it’s Time For A Spiritual Recalibration?

Christmas is a crazy but beautiful time of year. But if you’re like me, by year’s end, you’ve experienced so many highs and lows, you’re probably ready for a fresh start in the New Year. When we get our eyes

As Thanksgiving approaches, Are you Thankful?

Sometimes, I annoy myself.  In fact, often times I annoy myself.  I’m a whiner. Sometimes to my husband, mostly to God. Why don’t people like me? Don’t they appreciate my talent? Why does everyone else our age get to go
